![]() | Free Kentucky Power of Attorney Forms in Fillable PDF | 9 Types |
The Kentucky powers documents are provided so that a Principal of any estate, no matter the size, may delegate authority to someone to whom they trust, to handle all of their important affairs from health care to money and property or even temporary care of children, when they are not available to communicate their wishes on their own. All powers document should be carefully reviewed prior to completion.
State Definition – Kentucky Durable Power of Attorney Laws. 27 6245. “A durable power of attorneyis a legal document assigning another person to take care of your affairs for you should you become incapacitated. This person, your agent, usually is enlisted to take care of your financial or healthcare matters.”
Kentucky Durable Financial Power of Attorney Form

The Kentucky durable financial power of attorney form is a document that is considered broad and sweeping inasmuch as it provides powers to an elected Agent that will touch all financial, personal property, real property and more, in the event of illness or while the Principal is in temporary absentia. The Principal must read through the document […]
Kentucky General Financial Power of Attorney Form

The Kentucky general financial power of attorney form is a legal and binding document that allows a Principal to select an Agent in which to grant unlimited powers to be overseen by the Agent, in the absence of the Principal. The powers transferred will not remain in effect in the even the Principal should become incapacitated or disability. The Agent […]
Kentucky Limited (Special) Power of Attorney Form

The Kentucky limited (special) power of attorney form grants a person the ability to transfer power to an Agent in order to enable them to transact specific tasks and duties on their behalf. The Principal may be as broad or as narrow as they please when defining the scope of the authority bestowed on the Attorney-in-Fact within […]
Kentucky Medical Power of Attorney Form

The Kentucky medical power of attorney form is a legal document that will permit a Principal to assign an Agent to help with the health care decision making process, once the Principal is reaching a near, end of life scenario. This document allows the Principal, while they are still of sound mind, to be vocal about their […]
Kentucky Minor Child Power of Attorney Form

The Kentucky minor child power of attorney form is a legal document that allows a parent or parent(s) to name a guardian to care for their child(ren) in the event of illness or extended absence. This document will provide temporary guardianship for someone else to care for the children, providing all of the care needed for the […]
Kentucky Real Estate ONLY Power of Attorney Form

The Kentucky real estate only power of attorney form is a legal document that would be prepared by a Principal to provide written permission for an Agent, to do business on behalf of the Principal. The agent would have the ability to purchase, sell, refinance a mortgage or manage the Principal’s property in their absence or in […]
Kentucky Revocation Power of Attorney Form

The Kentucky revocation power of attorney form is a legal document that provides, to a Principal, who has implemented a power of attorney and would now like to revoke the powers, a way to provide written notice. Although this is a simple document, it will require acknowledgement by a Notary Public. Once complete and acknowledged, the Principal […]
Kentucky Tax Power of Attorney Form

The Kentucky tax power of attorney form is a legal document that a taxpayer uses to provide powers to a business entity or an individual that would complete tax forms or represent a the client before a tax agency. This document will provide taxpayer(s) information. The client must be aware that the Agent will need to […]
Kentucky Vehicle Power of Attorney Form

The Kentucky vehicle power of attorney form is a document that a Principal would use to grant powers to an Agent so that they may be able to do a transaction or transactions with regard to the purchase, sale. inspection or registration of a motor vehicle, in the event of illness or absence of the Principal. This […]