![]() | Free Nebraska Power of Attorney Forms in Fillable PDF | 9 Types |
Nebraska Power of Attorney are written documents in which one person who would be referred to as the “Principal,” would appoint another person to act as their Agent on their behalf. The document shall grant authority to the agent to perform certain functions or acts, on behalf of the principal. Powers are routinely granted to allow an Agent to provide care and management of a variety of the Principal’s transactions. Powers of attorney may be written to be either general or limited to specific circumstances. A power of attorney will usually terminate when the principal dies or becomes incapacitated, however, the principal may revoke powers at any time.
Durable ($) Laws – § 30-4041
Medical (+) Laws – § 30-3408
Nebraska Durable Financial Power of Attorney Form

The Nebraska durable financial power of attorney form is a document that is provided by the Principal to a delegated Agent for the purpose of conducting any of the Principal’s financials to include real and personal propety. The form will provide information with regard to the powers that the Principal is willing to allow in their absence […]
Nebraska General Financial Power of Attorney Form

The Nebraska general financial power of attorney form is a document that is designed to designate another person to whom the Principal shall entrust powers over their financial accounts, and real property by designating them, in writing into this document. This document may become immediately effective and available to the Agent, meaning that as of the date […]
Nebraska Limited (Special) Power of Attorney Form

The Nebraska limited (special) power of attorney form is a document that details the transference of authority from one individual (the “Principal”) to another, to be effective in the event that the Principal is away or otherwise unavailable to conduct certain tasks. Contrary to a standard POA form, the limited (special) form contains instructions that shall […]
Nebraska Medical Power of Attorney Form

The Nebraska medical power of attorney form is a document that is completed by a Principal to appoint an Agent/Attorney In Fact, to oversee and make decisions for the Principal’s health care in the event the Principal is no longer able to communicate their own desires for their end of life wishes. This document will not allow […]
Nebraska Minor Child Power of Attorney Form

The Nebraska minor child power of attorney form is a document that may be utilized by parents of minors to assign an Agent powers so that they may temporarily care for their child(ren) in the event of emergency, absence or illness. This document will provide permission to care for the child(ren) as if the parent(s) were available […]
Nebraska Real Estate ONLY Power of Attorney Form

The Nebraska real estate only power of attorney form is a document that is created to permit a Principal to select and delegate the services of an Agent so that they may oversee to the Principal’s real property. The Agent would handle the management, sale, purchase, refinancing of property, as well, should the Agent have any need to complete […]
Nebraska Revocation Power of Attorney Form

The Nebraska revocation power of attorney form is a document that allows a Principal to revoke any powers document that had been previously completed. Complete the revocation, notarize and deliver the document to the Agent, which will provide notice to the Agent that there service is no longer required an that their powers have been terminated. This document […]
Nebraska Tax Power of Attorney Form

The Nebraska tax power of attorney form is a document that is required should taxpayer(s) choose to provide permission for an individual or business entity to acquire access to confidential documents belonging to the taxpayer(s) as well it will grant powers to an individual or business entity to legally have the ability to complete the tax documents […]
Nebraska Vehicle Power of Attorney Form

The Nebraska vehicle power of attorney form is a document that will provide powers to an elected Agent to assist in transfer of ownership or making of application for title and registration of a vehicle or vessel. This document will invalidate any other vehicle powers document unless otherwise stated in writing by the Principal. This document must […]