![]() | Free Louisiana Power of Attorney Forms in Fillable PDF | 9 Types |
As defined in AUTHORITY CC 2989, a powers document, is a written instrument in which a Principal would be permitted to select an Agent they trust to oversee the management of their affairs, should they no longer have the ability to conduct their own business or health care decisions. The documents, upon completion, generally require witness or notary acknowledgement and signature to ensure the validity of the document.
State Definition – According to AUTHORITY CC 2989 – “A power of attorney or mandate is defined as an act by which one person (the “principal”) gives power to another person (the “agent” or “attorneyin fact”) to transact one or several affairs for him. Legitimate use of a general (all encompassing) power of attorney (mandate) includes, but is not limited to, estate administrators, personal representatives, lessor/lessee dealings, and most situations in which an owner or joint owner is unavailable.”
Louisiana Durable Financial Power of Attorney Form

The Louisiana durable financial power of attorney form is a document that is prepared by the Principal to allow specific powers to an Agent so that the Agent may properly oversee the Principal’s business, in the event the Principal experiences serious illness, absence or death. The Principal review the entire document before completion or providing signature to […]
Louisiana General Financial Power of Attorney Form

The Louisiana general financial power of attorney form is a legal document that permits a Principal to specify general powers over the finances of the Principal by an Agent that has been specifically selected by the Principal. The Agent should be aware that the Principal, although the Agent will be granted unlimited financial powers, will always continue […]
Louisiana Limited (Special) Power of Attorney Form

The Louisiana limited (special) power of attorney form is used when an individual chooses to elect an Agent to serve as their Attorney-in-Fact for the purposes of carrying out specific duties as listed within the document. The document will become effective upon the signing by both parties (recommended to be witnessed by Notary Public as well as […]
Louisiana Medical Power of Attorney Form

The Louisiana medical power of attorney form is a legal document that will permit the Principal to assign an Agent to attend to their medical decisions in the event of incapacitation or disability. The Agent will only allow the Agent to make medical decision and will not grant permission to make decisions with regard to the Principal’s […]
Louisiana Minor Child Power of Attorney Form

The Louisiana minor child power of attorney form is a document that is provided by the parent(s) of {a} minor child(ren) to grant certain powers to a selected Guardian(s) to care for their child(ren) in the event of absence or illness. By providing this document, the parent(s) will not lose rights to their child(ren). This document provides […]
Louisiana Real Estate ONLY Power of Attorney Form

The Louisiana real estate ONLY power of attorney form is a legal document that is provided by a Principal owner of real property, granting powers to delegate an Agent to manage, refinance, sell or purchase the real property on behalf of a Principal in their absence or should they become ill. The document will not grant other […]
Louisiana Revocation Power of Attorney Form

The Louisiana revocation power of attorney form is a simple document that is used by a Principal who has implemented a powers document to grant an Agent permission to take control of some aspect of their estate, health care decisions or permission by parent(s) to care for minor children, to revoke the powers granted. The Principal may revoke […]
Louisiana Tax Power of Attorney Form

The Louisiana tax power of attorney form is a legal document that a legal document that is available for a Principal, so that they may appoint an Agent, whether this be an individual or a business entity. The document will allow the Principal to grant powers for an Agent to prepare their tax documents and/or, if needed, […]
Louisiana Vehicle Power of Attorney Form

The Louisiana vehicle power of attorney form is a document that is provided by a Principal to grant powers to an appointed Agent to take over all acts of the Principal with regard to the sale, purchase, inspect, registration, back out or rescind to avoid a sale. This document will be implemented immediately, but will expire once […]