![]() | Free Wyoming Power of Attorney Forms in Fillable PDF | 8 Types |
Wyoming power of attorney forms are legal documents that are provided so that a Principal may delegate powers to a selected Agent to act on their behalf while they are ill or must be absent for an extended period of time.
Selected powers documents are usually documents that grant powers to protect finances, property, and/or health care decisions. There are other powers documents that are more limited, still requiring proper completion and signature. Most powers documents require witnesses. Documents may be revoked at any time.
Laws – Title 3, Chapter 5 (Durable Power of Attorney)
Wyoming Durable Financial Power of Attorney Form

The Wyoming durable financial power of attorney form is a legal document completed by a Principal to appoint an Attorney In Fact/Agent to manage the Principal’s entire estate when the Principal is no longer able to make their own decisions due to incapacitation, disability or absence. It’s recommended that the Principal take the time to review the […]
Wyoming General Financial Power of Attorney Form

The Wyoming general financial power of attorney form is a document that permits a Principal to delegate powers to an Agent of their choosing to manage their banking and other financial accounts when the Principal is incompetent or is on an extended absence. The document will not remain in effect in the event of incapacitation or disability. […]
Wyoming Limited (Special) Power of Attorney Form

The Wyoming limited (special) power of attorney form is used to specify and describe the particular acts that the Attorney-in-Fact may do, and to clearly state that the acting Agent does not have the authority to act on behalf of the Principal beyond said specified acts. This is a specialized form that is different than a general […]
Wyoming Medical Power of Attorney Form

The Wyoming medical power of attorney form is a legal document in which a Principal has the ability to delegate health care powers to an Attorney In Fact/Agent with whom they feel comfortable, to make their health care decisions, on their behalf, when they are no longer able to make decisions on their own. This document provides […]
Wyoming Minor Child Power of Attorney Form

The Wyoming minor child power of attorney form is a document that is provided by parent(s) or guardian to provide temporary powers over the child(ren) in their care, to a temporary custodian in the event of absence or illness. The document must be witnessed and may be revoked in writing by the parent(s) or guardian as they […]
Wyoming Real Estate ONLY Power of Attorney Form

The Wyoming Real Estate ONLY Power of Attorney Form is a legal document whereas the Principal would select an Agent to oversee the management, sales, refinancing and any other real property transactions on behalf of the Principal while they are unable to conduct the business on their own. This document will only authorize powers over the Principal’s real […]
Wyoming Revocation Power of Attorney Form

The Wyoming revocation power of attorney form is a document that is utilized by a Principal who has authorized powers to an Agent, but would now prefer to revoke those powers. These powers may have been authorized for estate management, temporary child care, tax powers or any other powers document. Once the document has been completed, the […]
Wyoming Tax Power of Attorney Form

The Wyoming tax power of attorney form is a form that is used by taxpayers to authorize an tax business entity or individual to professionally prepare their tax documents and/or represent the taxpayer before a Department of Revenue, if required. The document will allow any appointed Agent(s) to request and review the taxpayer’s confidential financial information and […]
Wyoming Vehicle Power of Attorney Form

The Wyoming vehicle power of attorney form is a document that is utilized by a Principal owner of a vehicle or mobile home, who would like to appoint an Agent to complete any transactions in order to properly transfer ownership of a motor vehicle or mobile home in the absence of the Principal. The powers will terminate once […]