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Hawaii Power of Attorney, as described in Haw. Rev. Stat. § 551D- L 1989, c 270, pt of §1 – (Hawaii Uniform Durable Power of Attorney Act) is a document that is created by an individual also known as the Principal, The Principal will choose someone else who is known as the Agent or Attorney In Fact to act in the best interest of the Principal and will manage their financial decisions as if the Principal were present and making their own decisions with regard to their needs. The needs are usually financial or medical, however, other needs may be any limited or springing event, temporary care of minor children, taxpayer representation or vehicle transactions.
State Definition – Haw. Rev. Stat. § 551D-1 “A durable power of attorney is a power of attorney by which a principal designates another as the principal’s attorney-in-fact in writing and the writing contains the words “This power of attorney shall not be affected by the disability of the principal”, “This power of attorney shall become effective upon the disability or incapacity of the principal”, or similar words showing the intent of the principal that the authority conferred shall be exercisable notwithstanding the principal’s subsequent disability or incapacity.” [L 1989, c 270, pt of §1]
Hawaii Durable Financial Power of Attorney Form

The Hawaii durable financial power of attorney form is a legal document in which a person (the Principal) would appoint someone they trust as their Attorney In Fact/Agent to have the authority perform powers as specified in the document created by the Principal. The terms of a powers granted to the Attorney In Fact/Agent, may be limited […]
Hawaii General Financial Power of Attorney Form

The Hawaii general financial power of attorney form is a document that allows a Principal to grant all or specific powers to an Agent they would elect to take care of their business in the event of illness or are in absentia for an amount of time. The Principal should be cautious about whom they choose to […]
Hawaii Limited (Special) Power of Attorney Form

The Hawaii limited (special) power of attorney form grants specific power to an Attorney-in-Fact/Agent to act on behalf of a Principal. The term “limited” or “special” is in reference to the limitations placed on the power bestowed; as opposed to a general power of attorney, this form will outline the specific duties or tasks for which […]
Hawaii Medical Power of Attorney Form

The Hawaii medical power of attorney form is a legal written document created by the Principal with regard to their future medical care. It is a document that will instruct your Attorney In Fact/Agent how you would like your medical care handled so that family members and friends won’t have to guess what you want in […]
Hawaii Minor Child Power of Attorney Form

The Hawaii minor child power of attorney form is a document that a parent would use to designate another person to serve as a temporary guardian over their child(ren) due to illness or absence. This form is a safe way to ensure that the parent(s) won’t lose rights to their children while they take the time to situate their […]
Hawaii Real Estate ONLY Power of Attorney Form

The Hawaii real estate only power of attorney form is a document that is used by a Principal so that, in the event of illness or absence, they may designate an Agent to handle business transactions, sales, purchases, refinancing or management of their real property, that may be necessary. An Agent may be an individual business that works […]
Hawaii Revocation Power of Attorney Form

The Hawaii revocation power of attorney form is a document that would be used by a Principal to revoke a power of attorney. The Principal must complete the document, completing all fields and have the document delivered, one copy to the agent and any alternates as well as any other interested parties. This document must be notarized. Step […]
Hawaii Tax Power of Attorney Form

The Hawaii tax power of attorney form is a legal document that will allow a Taxpayer (Principal) to grant authority to a CPA, Tax Attorney, Individual or Firm to prepare and sign Hawaii tax documents on your behalf, representing you before the Department of Taxation. This would also allow any person or entity chosen by the taxpayer(s) […]
Hawaii Vehicle Power of Attorney Form

The Hawaii vehicle power of attorney form is a document that will allow any person who owns a vehicle within the State of Hawaii, (the Principal) to choose anyone they wish (as Attorney In Fact/Agent) to assist in obtaining registration, transference of title or any other action required to be carried out at a Driver’s License […]